I demand 'PROOF of CLAIM' that I must
1. I
André Murray verily believe that no agent for
have provided proof of claim that
the alleged claims apply to the myself André Murray, nor that myself André
Murray am obligated to accept the benefits offered.
2. I
André Murray verily believe THE CITY OF FREDERICTON has failed to provide proof
of claim to myself, therefore there is no dispute between the parties, simply
put, an offer was made and an offer was in good faith conditionally accepted,
there the matter stands.
3. I
André Murray verily believe, since THE CITY OF FREDERICTON has failed to
substantiate their claims against the André Murray through negotiation and
discussion, further, there since it is a fact there lacks an injured party, THE
CITY OF FREDERICTON has no locus standi in this matter before the Court.
4. I
André Murray verily believe, that jurisprudence has established, that a
Provincial Court has no jurisdiction unless jurisdiction can be proven to
exist, as opposed to a superior Court, where jurisprudence has established that
jurisdiction is assumed to exist unless the contrary is shown.
5. The
Provincial Court of New Brunswick is a court of special, limited, or statutory
jurisdiction, whose record must show the existence of jurisdiction in any given
case to give its ruling presumptive validity.
6. I
André Murray verily believe, that if there is not dispute between Parties, the
Court lacks a lis inter partes to judge, therefore the Court has no
jurisdiction to act.
7. I
Andre Murray am an adult man;
8. I
Andre Murray claim common law jurisdiction;
9. I
Andre Murray do not consent and I waive all the benefits;
10. I
Andre Murray do not consent to the Court making any legal determinations
against me;
11. I
Andre Murray do not consent to represent the person known as the defendant, be
associated by joinder, or accept liabilities for same;
12. I
Andre Murray do not consent the Court’s jurisdictional claims against me;
13. I
Andre Murray do not consent to the Court contracting with the me;
14. I
Andre Murray do not and did not consent to the Courts Jurisdiction;
15. I
Andre Murray do not and did not consent to abide by The City of Fredericton
16. I
Andre Murray do not and did not consent to attorn to the jurisdiction of any
17. I
Andre Murray do not and did not consent to any Court hearing bylaw
matters any further than considering the jurisdictional issues herein
I André Murray verily believe The Provincial Court
of New Brunswick lacks:
• personal
jurisdiction of the Court over the Defendant;
• Subject
matter Jurisdiction and;
• jurisdiction
over the particular case.
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